Hormone Balance is the Key to Good Health!
Which do you want? The choice is yours!
- Insomnia or peaceful sleep?
- Lack of motivation or energy?
- Foggy thinking or mental clarity?
- Belly weight gain or slim body?
- Fatigue or vitality?
- Depression or enthusiasm?

Men Experiencing:
- Decreased libido
- Erectile dysfunction
- Loss of stamina
- Decrease in mental sharpness
- Reduced muscle size
- Tearful episodes or increased moodiness
- Metabolic syndrome
- Prostate enlargement or cancer
- Hot flashes
- Irritability
Women Experiencing:
- Hot flashes
- Anxiety/Depression
- Night sweats
- Breast tenderness
- Irritability
- Forgetfulness
- Irregular menstrual cycles
- Vaginal dryness
- Urinary incontinence
- Uterine fibroids
- Increased facial / body hair
- Acne
Saliva testing is an easy and non-invasive way of assessing your hormones. It is proving to be the most reliable medium for measuring hormone levels. Unlike blood serum tests, saliva testing represents only hormones actively delivered to receptors in the body. Clinically, it is far more relevant to test these bioavailable hormones and provide an accurate reflection of the body’s active hormone levels.
Only saliva testing measures topically applied hormones
Taking a Saliva Hormone Test will assist you in assessing important steroid hormones which could be the cause of many of your symptoms including Estrogen Dominance.
The three main hormones for all men and women to test are Estradiol – E2, Progesterone – Pg and Testosterone – T

The three main hormones for all men and women to test are Estradiol – E2, Progesterone – Pg and Testosterone – T.
We always encourage the testing of estradiol – E2 estrogen. E2 is an estrogen that causes cell proliferation and is the strongest estrogen that your body makes. It is produced with each women’s menstrual cycle and is the most common estrogen prescribed in hormone replacement therapy. A balance is usually maintained between estrone and estradiol of about 50/50 therefore we don’t recommend testing for Estrone – E1 estrogen as it is likely to be relative to E2.
Men over the age of 50 usually will have escalating levels of E2 often in larger amounts than women of the same age. Men too need to test this hormone.
We always recommend that Progesterone – Pg should be tested. Progesterone is a neutral hormone with neither male nor female attributes. It is the balancing hormone to E2 – estradiol. This hormone needs to be found in adequate amounts in both men and women as it has been shown to protect the prostrate in men by inhibiting 5-alpha reductase, and to protect the uterine lining and breast tissue in women. Low progesterone levels contributes to estrogen dominance in both men and women. Adequate progesterone assists the body in building new bone an important component in the prevention of osteoporosis.
New studies suggest that testosterone can be of real help, and potential harm, to women. It is important to determine testosterone levels for women – particularly women over 40 and women exercising regularly since high levels of testosterone can also triple heart risks for older women. High levels of testosterone may also be responsible for Hot Flashes in Peri and Menopausal women. Testosterone is a hormone that a women would only supplement if the saliva test shows it is deficient!
Men should always test testosterone levels since the decline of this hormone is at the core of male menopause (andropause). Often loss of energy, loss of sexual drive loss of ambition are written off as burnout or depression when in actual fact these symptoms could be related to low testosterone.